• Original Popular Articles, Technical Articles, success stories and new technologies related to agriculture and allied sectors beneficial for students, farmer’s communities and entrepreneurs are invited to publish which is not submitted or publish elsewhere.
  • The manuscript should be authentic and free from plagiarism.
  • The article should be prepared in Hindi/English language using .doc, .docx, MS Word format. Font “Kruti Dev” and “Times New Roman” should be used for Hindi and English articles, respectively.
  • Article must be typed single spaced with margins of one inch (2.54 cm) at all sides.
  • Article should not exceed 3 pages; however, it may exceed the limit if necessary to complete the sentence but not more than 4 pages.
  • Title should be short and informative relevant to the content with 14 font size in bold letters.
  • All authors name, affiliation, corresponding author mail should be clearly mentioned below the title of article.
  • Highlights in the form of summary must be written at the beginning of article.
  • The whole manuscript should be prepared in font size of 12 except the title for English and 14 font size for Hindi.
  • All the main headings should be in bold letters and subheadings in italic form.
  • The content should be informative, clear and precisely justify the topic.
  • It should have main heads of summary, introduction, main content, conclusion and recommendations covering complete methodology and results with suggestions.
  • Abbreviations can be repeated but it should write in full form whenever mention at the first time. Scientific names and technical nomenclatures must be full and accurate.
  • All the relevant tables, figures and high-quality photographs (2-3 in number) should be appropriately placed with captions among the texts.
  • Editor and Editorial Board have all rights to reject any article which is against the guidelines.
  • Authors may submit their article at our email (krishi.mitr@iul.ac.in) considering the above guidelines.